This article is based on data from subsequent opinion polls that were conducted exclusively for the Olympic Games of Athens during the period 2001-2003. It analyses the evolution of the main trends of Greek public opinion regarding the Olympic Games and their impact. It claims that Greek public opinion has been in favor of the Athens Olympic Games from the very beginning, and that the Olympics enjoy great social support. This stance of the public opinion has remained stable despite the serious and objective problems that have arisen in the organizing process and despite the sharp increase of economic cost of the 2004 Olympic Games. The Athens’ Olympics have obtained the form, the role, and the place of a new governmental and ideological apparatus where all the social and ideological constraints coexist and co-function. The great social support of the Games subordinates any criticism regarding the venture; it justifies the economic consequences, ignores the environmental implications, degrades the legal complications –when they arise– and legalizes to, a considerable extent, the daily inconvenience of people due to the extensive public works and their delays.